The Floating Effigies

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This is a pleasant day, and this day I finished a poem which is not really a pleasant one. But it is the truth I will live accepting, agreeing to certain rules I must follow and I will follow. I think apologies won’t work anymore maybe she is more gentle than I thought still felt the fire in her tone. Yes I apologize for all the wrong I said, for the anger I spilled and the emotional hurt I brought. But it was good that she decided to speak out during the time when the effigy of all my anger burned out and the ashes into dust dissolved. I promise I will never be angry.

  This poem is not easy to understand I started this yesterday and after I have gone through my work day which was interrupted by my constant visit to a certain site. I came back sat at my desk and after a long time I just typed the whole poem into my computer.

You all have a fantastic evening.

The Floating Effigies.

The small waves upon the foot rolled,
As face by the wind caressed,
The floating lilies around facial reflection danced,
As a smile with sarcasm filled, upon my face sprouted.

The ripples like dragon tails wagged,
As some rooster from far, lust filled screamed,
Oh’ the echoes of those screams drowned,
And lilies their dance continued.

Sitting by the shore I remembered,
A poem in melancholic thoughts I wrote,
About poems of many kinds I read,
And that poem on a lily leaf I wrote,
And in the lake waves to float I left.

Walked I further, beside the lake in the evening sun glittered,
And a floating plank of wood I found,
I recited aloud a poem in gladness I wrote,
That poem upon that piece of wood I wrote,
And in the lake waves to float I left.

Oh’ past I remembered when Sun beyond west dived,
And many memorable lines upon dead leaves I wrote,
And in the lake waves to float I left.

All that brought a wonderful face in every corner of soul filled,
All those floating leaves, wood planks like effigies near to me came,
When about the realities I thought,
The poem of that future in short waves of lake I wrote,
And left into the woods with darkness filled.

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