The assumptions of life in needs and wants,
And we live in imaginary bubbles we assume exist,
As none comes here alone and care of all we receive,
We leave alone, leaving our love imprinted in loved ones.
Touched only through senses and sensed only by love,
Fragility of mind, tests of brutality of time withstood,
As even in mid-age innocence in heart grew,
That shown the beauty from inside upon the body.
And that innocence through her smiles grew and spoke,
“Kindness at times is not in accepting love,
Kindness at times is in making someone feel loved.”,
World wandered around her in ecstasy and her smiles, unseen.
Time choked at the audacity of soul
When the world into an unloving mode thrown,
Driven by faithless, fueled by greed and ambition,
Where silence became the warrior prince of love.
Ah, silence fought and failed and lay bleeding,
The verses of love, Oh’, though unwritten still spread,
What said oh’ timeless became as she smiled
Replacing mirages with fulfilled dreams.
Then paths of life in all wild and weird ways I saw,
Triumphs of life, failures, complexities, and confusions,
The ones who made every second a moment of drama,
The unknowns, the hidden, the unbearable all shined.
All the glory faded when to my conscience I said,
“Never will I deny myself a line of verse,
Never deny me a poem of life
Touch the girl in her heart,
Touch the girl with your soul,
Fill her soul with your love,
Fill her soul with love for you,
That fiery soul with love she never felt.”.
As every star in the sky brightened and blinked,
Those wild worlds with violence and fire, pretty looked,
From far, but none can ever reach, none should ever touch,
That lesson from universe I learned when burying my doubts.
Doubts about the love in her heart or the purity of my love,
And watching the sunrise I fell asleep,
Waking up as night dews fell, her face in all beauty I saw,
The best sunrise adorned me when she smiled.
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