The golden hair covering her left eye,
and moves to the exhaling breath,
Looked through the vale of her blowing kisses,
holding on to the fake pearl necklace,
Touching her naked body all over,
Dancing to the tunes someone else wrote,
Falling into a fate she never hoped,
Intoxication from whiskey dissolved,
Into her eyes filled with lust,
Invitation to share that lust,
And passions that runs through nerves,
And to her from the depths of my heart I asked,
“Can I have a little innocence of yours, if any remains in you?”
The wind blew and the green branches danced,
Like a ballerina when tunes of summer birds filled,
And through the lake banks I walked and walked,
Mind in meditation calmed and sun far away faded,
How long can one walk as a reality like a curse follows,
And to the wind with a tone of aggression I asked,
“Why you come back again and again to leave,
Once more, leaving mind in pain?”
The whole nature paused as if facing a stupid question,
The water calmed, the wind left, the birds fast asleep,
Then from the depth of my soul conscience took a feeling,
And asked me with a tone of sadness,
“Why did you left someone you love so much,
And through wrong paths walk,
And in anger blames everything else but you?”
MandySoong, 19, makes sushi in the display window of a shopping centre whilewearing only her lingerie in Singapore August 29, 2008. Soong hadpromised that if she won a Girl Next Door competition in a local men’smagazine, she would strip down to her lingerie and prepare sushi in ashop window in Singapore’s Orchard Road shopping district.REUTERS/Vivek Prakash
Boxingpromoter Don King (C) stands behind Russian heavyweight boxer NikolaiValuev (L) and his challenger John Ruiz of the U.S. during the officialweigh-in in Berlin August 29, 2008. Valuev will face Ruiz for the WBAheavyweight boxing title fight in Berlin on August 29, 2008. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch
Olympicgold medal swimmer Michael Phelps (C) rides down Main Street USA withMickey Mouse during a parade at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom inLake Buena Vista, Florida August 29, 2008. REUTERS/Scott Audette
SouthAfrican actress Charlize Theron arrives for the red carpet at theVenice Film Festival August 29, 2008. The Burning Plain movie byMexican director Guillermo Arriaga is shown in the competition at theVenice Film Festival. REUTERS/Max Rossi
Supportersof the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) push against a gate aspolice officers stand behind, in Bangkok August 29, 2008. Protesterstrying to overthrow Thailand’s government launched an attack onBangkok’s police headquarters on Friday as demonstrations against PrimeMinister Samak Sundaravej spread from the capital. REUTERS/Stringer Thailand
Germananatomist Gunther von Hagens poses next to a preserved human bodyduring Koerperwelten (body world) exhibition in Brussels August 29,2008. Von Hagens’ exhibition consists of more than 200 authenticpreserved human and animal specimens, including whole bodies as well asindividual organs and transparent body slices. REUTERS/Francois Lenoir
AMuslim boy holds a placard during a peace rally in front of a mosque inTaguig city, south of Manila August 29, 2008. The Philippine militaryhas asked the government to quickly replenish ammunition stockpiles assupplies were running low after nearly two weeks of fighting withMuslim rebels, according to documents seen by Reuters on Friday. REUTERS/Romeo Ranoco
Schoolchildren attend a prayer meeting to pay tributes to the victims of therecent clashes between Hindus and Christians in Orissa, in the northernIndian city of Shimla August 29, 2008. Hindu mobs ransacked a churchand clashed with Christian villagers in eastern India on Thursday,police said, as Italy said it would summon India’s ambassador to demand”incisive action” to prevent more attacks. Indian authorities havestruggled to control spiralling religious violence in the eastern stateof Orissa. REUTERS/Anil Dayal