Why wait, why wait, O’ Time why wait for showers,
Showers of blessings upon Earth you may lay,
And let the seeds of compassion sprout,
Why wait for the spread of spring?
And time couldn’t stop the fall of rain,
As those rains wiped the tears away,
Those little tears drop from her eyes,
Ah’, that little girl watched by time.
Abandoned by the ones God trusted her with,
Ignored by those who must care,
Heart of that girl by the pain of life squeezed,
And nature wiped her tears with rain.
The past I searched and all unknown remained,
Those old times took a pledge of silence,
Oh’, lucky stars, rulers of zodiacs speak now, I said,
And they blinked and blinked until daybreak.
When Sun broke through the dark and sailed,
From between the falling raindrops came,
Beauty of the rain, ah’, no image I can draw described,
Every drop fell, gave an image of an Angel in soul.
And with an angelic voice to my soul spoke.
“Dare not pity the fate of her in this world,
For she survived the pressures of this mean world,
You ever seen a wild rose grown in the middle of woods?”
“Before budding all that is needed sucked out by weeds,
When sprouting, attacked from all sides by many creatures,
When bloomed cut mercilessly and expressed as fake love,
Then when fake love with windblown, abandoned in trash.”
Such was the life she lived, squeezed by parents for perfection,
Disciplined by teachers, bullied by fake friends and Ah’,
Motherless she grew, unguided with a yearning,
To be understood, accepted and in all its truth loved.”
And to that voice I asked, “Oh’, Angel, tell me more,
How she loves to be loved, how to wipe away those tears,
What brings her happiness and what makes her angry?
How to give her strength, morally, spiritually, physically?”.
And every drop of rain that fell on me spoke in one voice,
“I am no angel, I am no unearthly creature but a manifestation,
Of her yearning for maternal love whom she lost in tragedy,
Oh’, human cruelty and obsession killed a pure soul,
From that shock never ever that little soul recovered,
Then came the soulless cruelty from the ones she cared,
Her father’s crime through every action of her they saw,
Mirages they recognized not and her tears they mocked.
Years and years of mockery and neglect in her weaved,
The purity of love through her mother she learned,
Such purity in worldly ways none can understand,
And I became her constant companion with the one God gave*.
When mockery and neglect evolved into near violation,
From those she never expected such cruelty,
The world through beauty and charms perfectly covered,
Character and behavior of those cruel minds.”.
Rains left, the voices stopped, the wetlands lay,
Like a defeated army, all scattered but in prayers,
For a soul so with kindness filled and with gratitude lived,
A poet looked through his searches to find such a soul.
Once more he wrote; the wild world, the wicked world,
Through digital magnificence, she came to that world
In her eyes he saw, that yearning, to love and to be loved,
Curiosity of generations passed and yet to come sparkled.
Realities of life bound both, so as friends they stayed,
As romance filled the air, poetry filled the souls,
The poet stood up in respect at the kindness she gave,
When bowing away still felt a flame, she eternally lit in his soul.
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