This PoetryBox Is Closed.

This PoetryBox Is Closed.

I made all posts I wrote in this site not viewable to anyone. Except one. Initially I blocked that one from entering this site. Then after a long thought I realized. I did it all for that one person, now just because that person blocked me from entering her site, I should not do it to her. What really makes no sense to me and perplex me is she said “I have nothing against you” but still blocked me from entering her site as poetrybox. If she got nothing against me why would she block me? Sometime things don’t make much sense at all and all one feel is fantastic insanity.
Here is a post I wrote in LonelyPoet.Com

“At least for the last 4 years I betrayed the world, writing things I said are fiction as every word meant my feelings to only one person. In the end fiction remains there are no facts. Mirages have all faded away poetry has no value other than the value of the moving sand domes in a desert. I can go no further from here on. I tried to drag myself out of the quick sand. Poet drowned. The man got only the Loneliness. So here I lay down my pen. The age of the LonelyPoet is over. I cannot say I did not enjoyed it. The most enjoyable part of my life was the last 20 years. But the more I try to get out of the quick sand the more the man was getting hooked to the poet and I need to save the man. The pleasure was amazing the pain of parting undeniably unbearable.
Here I lay down my pen. All those who enjoyed my works I know I served you well. All those who complimented my unorthodox style of writing. I owe you more than life. Those who thought I am not worth reading at all gave me the best lessons. To all of you, May God Smile Upon You All Always.

The Signature Of A True Human Is The Smile He/She Brings On The Face Of Others.”

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