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Just another short day, slept all morning and woke up about 1:30PM. I was just wandering around my own apartment like a wild animal searching for something unknown. In the end sat down and took an idea I wrote down about six months ago. I usually take too much time to finish a poem. Here is the idea of the poem I am working on now.

In the younger days I achieved happiness,
In these days passing by,
Sadness and frustration conquer my imaginations,
But when hair grows gray,
Skin wrinkles around bones,
Heart and soul will be dancing in happiness,
Cherishing every moment of these days,
And those younger days of innocence.

I will post the whole poem once I finish it. Tell me what do you think….

14 Replies to “”

  1. hey im glad u liked it… and yeah i totally agree w/ you that love is a 2 way thing… but comming from a girl that has had her heart broken 1 to many times… i need to learn to wait for a guy that is actually into me…and not what he thinks he can get out of me. and i really like the beginning of your poem! im a sucker for poetry <3 kim

  2. Sounds like you keep writer’s hours, too…Something my husband does not understand…He doesn’t understand why I’m up all night writing and why I sleep all day…I guess some things aren’t meant to be understood unless you’re living them!

    RYC:  Yeah, that old friend of mine….what I would not do or say if I could just go back in time.  I really feel I handled that situation poorly.  I should have gotten some sort of ultimate revenge on her…What?  I don’t know, but if anyone ever deserved the wrath of vengeance…well…it’s her.

  3. thanks so much for your comment 😉

    enjoyed reading your writings too. i’ll be back.

    p/s: its not Malaya, it’s actually Bahasa Melayu (translated= Malay language)


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