Image Of A Lost Lover.

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As most of you all know I am a blogger. I write blogs, I read blogs and even do live video blog shows. For the last couple of months I did not do much of blogging and I sincerely apologize to you all for that. I must confess I wrote a lot of poems here suggestive of my feelings for one person. In every poem of mine there is at least one word that tells about my love for her. Now I must confess I am not reaching anywhere with all this. I am getting older, no matter who says what the truth is that. Now when facing a dead end in every corner, this is a time I need support, unfortunately I just don’t have it. I will be writing and I will be reading and once Ramadhan fasting days are over I will be starting my live video blog shows too. Its just that I failed in every possible way to make me feel better. There I just told the truth.

Image Of A Lost Lover. 

The river flown like the song you sang,

The song composed in the rhythm of my heart,

Through valleys and meadows the river ran,

And through the heart of the plains river sang,

The song that told tales of every moment of your life.


Through the river I swam,

Listening to the giggles of the blasting bubbles,

And heard how days passed when in happiness you thrived,

And also heard how days and nights you pushed,

When life at you fired, arrows filled with sadness.


Through the plains and meadows and valleys I ran,

To see the ones heart that known the rhythm of my heart,

To hear in real the whispering voice through mists pass,

To look in those eyes where sadness comes and turns,

Into happy feelings the world around in smiles welcome.

The leaves of trees grew, greened and fell in applause,

The flowers smiled and in prayers shut their eyes,

The mists filled all around and all over touched,

All made me feel the love of her in the depth of my soul,

But only feelings I felt, as far, far away unseen she stayed.

The meadows, valleys, rivers and lakes I never left,

As filled in all is the glory of your love,

In all material way unknown to you I will remain,

As deep in my soul of mine forever that unseen image will remain,

And deep in your soul forever the love of yours for me will remain.

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