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Freshly baked from the oven of my mind here is my new poem. J The idea of the poem came in earliest of early mornings of yesterday. First I thought this is a one lame idea I cannot make into a full poem. But when the day progressed and night eroded then when the day came up, whoops the whole idea I wanted to write kind of came to my mind. It took two hours to write the whole poem. So there can be grammar mistakes, there can be typos, there can messages from my devilish mind. You name it, all gonna be there my sweet readers. I am who I am, in the way I am, the best part of me is the definition you give me and that can change in a matter of seconds. So I am dynamic, you know what is special about being dynamic? I am not perfect. No one is. No one can be. I write in the way I want to write, I speak in the way I want to speak. If I see wrong I will say it is wrong. I will show no hesitation to say what is in my mind. Those who can’t tolerate me, there is an unsubscribe/unfriend link. Just click on it and go away. The LonelyPoet needs only him and those who want to be with him.
  Well if I continue I will say things kids should not read. Hehehe.. but let me finish by this. I am a man who love without conditions, be it a friend or a romantic lover or brothers or sisters, my love is unconditional. The only conditions one can imagine is in ones own imagination. So look back and evaluate and see, hear and feel the love of the one man, the lone man, the LonelyPoet.


The Miner And The Gem.


A millennium came, a millennium passed,

Days like the currents in the depth of an ocean flew,

Seasons flourished and then to hibernation went,

And worldly ways through spirit of life the miner learned.


Around the world to many places he went,

Then in the lands of the Americas he came,

All through his plight every moment he searched,

For that mine where the Gem of gems birthed and grew.


With all the tools and knowledge he searched,

In darkest of the darkness he searched,

In the middle of crowd he searched,

Then mined with tools and knowledge of the spiritual world,

Mined and mined with tools and knowledge of the material world,

Ah’ found he where Gem of gems grew.


Into the mining for the Gem he poured,

Every ounce of spirit and energy he got,

When sun shined, away his sweat he wiped,

When the rain lashed floppy hat he squeezed,

When the snow all around fell, the shovel he cleaned,

Ah’ when the flowers bloomed,

Along in his mind a smile sprouted.


Raw in the depths the Gem of gems stayed,

The miner moved closer and closer to grab,

But the Gem of gems has a will of her own,

As raw in the middle of dirt she wanted to stay,

Oh’ no matter how much rock and dirt the miner tried to move,

The Gem of gems away from him swayed,

Into the depths of inevitable chaos she moved,

In the rhythms of the madness of a cunning world she moved,

A dance the miner on his own will don’t want to stop.


The Gem of gems is not just another precious one,

What the miner found in not anything wrong,

No wrong to the preciousness of the Gems he ever done,

Only to make her more precious the miner tried,

Oh’ the miner only half way through can mine,

The rest, Gem of gems with her will must come,

But to his disappointment the Gem of gems stayed afar.


Then down and down she went,

A drowning from his knowledge of past the miner know,

Nothing he can do to but to watch,

The fall in all inevitability will come,

The Gem’s will Oh’ to remain in dark, in dirt and to destroy in dull.


All his tools to whither in weather the miner left,

As for him no past exist,

Without the preciousness of the Gem of gems,

All in present, meaningless, like ghosts stood,

And the first step away,

Future with emptiness welcomed.


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