The way I am very well you know, I sincerely apologize for a trap I laid to know who is visiting my site the moment I post the link to my poem on Facebook and I figured that out by writing one of the worst offensive post couple of days ago. Before that I did the set up of writing post after post early in the morning. I don’t know what kinda means that person used to track my postings on Facebook but the offensive post was written to know exactly who it is looking into my page. Even though I was not able to pinpoint one person it could be one or all of a group of people.
You all may be thinking that I am a person of the worst kind. My sincere apologies again for saying things in my poems and posts to make you all think that way. I needed to know something and unfortunately I was not able to dig it out in the good way I tried, in the bad way I tried and now in the worst, dirtiest way I tried. To all those girls I called fat ass bitches let me tell you all, you are not fat or none of you are bitches it was just a trick to know if the hit that comes to my site from Florida is going to stop after that or not. I am really sorry girls you all are probably wonderfully talented girls. Even in that trap I should have never called you what I called you all. My apologies again.
Enjoy Florida if you get an opportunity… forgive me.
And to her I have nothing more to say. I am done.