To A Smile Filled Beauty

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The fallen leaves of fall are gone,
The winds brought heavier cold,
Your face in my mind warmth filled,
So did the love of mine for you in my soul.

Through different paths of life you and I pass,
In different parts of world we live,
Yet, forever your smile I will remember,
Forever your smiles will beautify my life.

Like the golden chariots of the evening sun,
You eyes spread the charms of love,
In the light from those eyes reflects,
Filled are the new definitions of love mankind unheard,

All my passion, all my compassion for you I will give,
All my expression of happiness and love I will fill,
With prettiness upon your face I see,
And every bit of sadness in your prettiness will dissolve.

So smile Oh’ my dear in the celebration of life,
Smile to fill the world with charms of love,
Every prayer of mine makes me a better poet,
As every prayer for your love I dedicate.

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