The Unreturned Smile.

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The Unreturned Smile.

The summer winds sweat under the merciless sun,
And the birds sat under the leaves with dried out mouths,
People undressed uncaringly as blood boiled in veins,
Nothing bothered a lost heart as he walked in crowd.

Images of the past again and again played,
Through his mind where every image completed,
With her smiling face and her caring gestures,
But Oh’ his likes and feelings took an orphaned walk.

Silence calibrated his mind to celebrate,
When speechless before reality he sat.
A reality that blurred every imagined image,
When romance swept away into the unknowns.

Though filled with dry heat the wind spread her wings,
And all around him like a naughty little child she flew,
Wiped from his cheeks some of the falling sweat,
Knowing more than sweat fell from his face.

Then to his soul in whispering voice she asked,
“Oh dear, my dearest, what happened to your pretty smile?”
He walked without a thought and then his soul replied,
“I gave it to a girl who never returned it”.

The wind wept along and the world rejoiced in the falling rain.

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Photo by Laura Marques on Unsplash

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