Ninth Day Of July – 2019.
Sunrise started when sleep engulfed me,
T.V shows and movies boggled mind,
But biology of humans cannot be beaten,
With digital magic to manipulate emotions.
Reality, Oh’, a lonely monster finding hard ways,
To reach my day and half of it in my sleep I spent,
Angry dreams woke me in anger and I sat still,
Oh’, life indeed is a manipulating wonder.
The anger the dreams brought ah, they left in veins,
Everything I looked, tasted and heard filled with anger,
And I never left home, stayed in not to put myself in line,
To be manipulated by unseen forces from far plays.
Plays with heart to divert soul from the one goal,
Earn her love, the one love, my only love, Little Boss.
For all my anger from veins fade away and be replaced,
With love for life, love for world, love divinely by God given.
The drama that filled the mind lost its weight by Sunset,
Ah’ reality still hid behind digital magnificence and darkness,
Night brought to my eyes, but not into my soul,
As the light of love to my soul came, Oh’, I miss you Little Boss.
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