Deceive I Cannot.

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Deceive I cannot amidst the blistering cold,
Though through every vein run blood hot as hell,
Deceive I cannot my own conscience and turn,
Away from who I am and what I want to be.

Deceive I cannot the saints and Angels to whom I prayed,
Through every breathe awoke and some nights without sleep,
Deceive I cannot the girl to whom I gave my word,
That nothing ever in world will change my mind away from her.

Deceive I cannot my own senses that ran wild,
In my thoughts and well-weaved dreams about my darling girl,
Every bit of my future life I dreamt, thought, and planned with her,
Deceive I cannot the passions that built my emotions of love.

Deceive I cannot the coming days when I better my love,
My love for her who loves me beyond all hopes and dreams,
Still in some thoughts and passions of life’s adventure
Or some sadness from my words felt and gave a thorn in my heart.

Deceive I cannot these dreamless days and nights,
Where every living moment I learn to love her more,
Deceive I cannot by moving on from my thoughts,
That only completes with her lovely smiling face.

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Photo by Max Ilienerwise on Unsplash

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