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It is official now. I am leaving Virginia on Saturday morning for
Overland Park, Kansas. There I will join my brother and his family for
at least another month. The only thing that can stop me from going to
Kansas is an assignment I am looking for in Madison, Wisconsin or Los
Angles, California. Said that, I hope something to work in the next
couple of days. Anyway tomorrow it is a packing day. Friday it is a
resting day before the drive.

 Because of the confusion
with the assignments and my differences with my company plus something
very personal swaying me big time. I wasn’t able to touch the Tess poem
much in the last 10 days. Probably I will take it once I am in Kansas.

I updated LonelyPoet.Org. Today it is time for this site. I did not say
what prompted me to write the last two poems and the one I posted in
LonelyPoet.Org yesterday. I am also not going to say why I wrote this
one today. Said that, if one gets time read them all. Even then I think
there will be only one person who can truly understand what I mean.

Frozen Images.

Hey you, the one who burns inside,
My aging body as a prisoner of past,
Pulling in more and more of life,
Trying to tame the wilderness of present,
How long do ye think we will be in oblivion?

There is an enchantress out there somewhere,
Who consumes you now and will forever,
Who throws images in the imaginations,
Flying you to the highest cloud,
Leaving you to float away looking,
Back at the material part of you falling,
Failing against the will of dreams once more.

There is a world out there that knows nothing,
There are the building blocks of life that lie shattered,
There is more to everything that your senses merge,
Deep in a heart that pumps the feeling
To every corner of me energizing,
Me to take a step closer to that enchantress,
But I stop now, look and understand,
I have to turn away from every bit of life I’ve known,
As all the images she thrown are unmoving still ones,
And frozen in the long tiring prison of my past.

16 Replies to “”

  1. Another great poem..  I hope that you will be able to post more of them even though you will be gone for awhile.. : )

    RYC:  Forgiving and forgetting isn’t always an easy concept, but it does help you out a lot if you do.  You may not be able to fully forget it but to forgive someone is truly amazing.  There is some bitterness and hurt that you can just let go of..

    God Bless..


  2. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height=”100%” cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=”100%” border=0 UNSELECTABLE=”on”>
    <TR height=”100%” UNSELECTABLE=”on” width=”100%”>
    <TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width=”100%” background=”” height=250 UNSELECTABLE=”off”>Hope all works out for you.
    <TR UNSELECTABLE=”on” hb_tag=”1″>
    <TD style=”FONT-SIZE: 1pt” height=1 UNSELECTABLE=”on”>

  3. <TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height=”100%” cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=”100%” border=0 UNSELECTABLE=”on”>
    <TR height=”100%” UNSELECTABLE=”on” width=”100%”>
    <TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width=”100%” background=”” height=250 UNSELECTABLE=”off”>It just started doing that how do I get it to stop putting all that on
    <TR UNSELECTABLE=”on” hb_tag=”1″>
    <TD style=”FONT-SIZE: 1pt” height=1 UNSELECTABLE=”on”>

  4. Hi. I wanted to let you know, I did get the mp3, but, my computer is in the shop and I’m using someone else’s for a day or so. I will definitely get back to you on it as soon as I get my poor precious iMac back. 🙂


  5. wow. great poem. yeah he told me it would ahve been stupid so i didnt run away. anyways yeah i hope i do but my bro is always on the computer playin stupid computer games. well i g2g ttyl!

  6. oh wow, amazing, as always….that last line is so stunning, of course.  i also really like these lines “There is a world out there that knows nothing, There are the building blocks of life that lie shattered….” i dont’ know why they grabbed me but they really did.  as always, it was a highlight to visit your site….sorry you couldnt’ work on your poem more, i can’t wait to read part of it.  after your comment on my site i’m very greatly intrigued by the story line and considering going out to get the book and have another try at reading it.  good luck with it!!

  7. Aw, this made me somewhat sad…It’s not like your usual work…You’re right though.  One cannot live in past’s dead memories.  They are unmoving and one cannot change them..  It’s best to move on and see clearly that moving on is a necessity of life.  Ahem…Well, thankx for asking about the storm.  I’m a dork and have not been updating or checking your site…I’m SORRY.:(

    Anyway, the storm was a giant let down, but I should just be happy that no one got hurt where I am…Actually, a cold front has moved through and it feels WONDERFUL outside!  I think it’s somewhere around 70 degrees.  Well, I will pray for your trip and that the events in your life lead you down the best and most appropriate path.  Good luck on your poem as well.  Yanno, I read a quote recently…I think of it as a murderer or rogue telling it to one of his victims…”Take heart my dear, or I will take it from you.”  I just thought it sounded pretty cool…God bless, Mr. Poet. 🙂

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