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(Copy Of Update In LonelyPoet.Org )
That little bird outside in the night,
Not sure about the flashes of car light,
No directions in the darkness known,
Waiting for the first light of the day,
Filled with a song in nearby souls, sleepless,
After the day’s hardships and hunger,
In cold and frozen inside with some lost passions.

Though the bird’s song never said any words,
It left in every soul that heard a meaning,
That in union could only weep,
As hope suddenly found lingering,
Inside every heart that deemed frozen.

There is pain in every heart that love,
There is passion in the love of every creation,
No heart will break apart,
If it is love one loved,
And not the pleasure of some moments passion.

The wonders of vibgyor will never fade away,
As truth of love is no illusion.
The more one learn and understand,
And love that understanding of the other,
When these understandings goes in sync,
The colors of love will fill every corner of the heart.

The vibgyor came at its mighty speed,
So flown away the migrating bird,
So went away those enlightened souls,
Some wandered in the passion felt,
Some banged their head in further illusions,
I came to my sites and searched around,
And found two little eyes that said to me,
“You are mine”.

09/27/05. I don’t have a lot to say. Only felt like updating LonelyPoet.Org. Sorry I am not in the best of the moods. I may have something fresh later. If so I will update later.

ps. I changed the background song, listen to the lyrics of this song. I liked it.

15 Replies to “”

  1. i cant help being happy about missing.
    it wasnt a dream. it was an expression.. of how sometimes i wish.. when something hurts bad enough.. like my heart., that i could just breathe out forever and not in and collapse and fall out of recognition and dream.
    always dreaming.
    that is all.

  2. wow, this poem is absolutely beautiful, so deep…i was entranced.  marvelous!!! haha, i think we all bow down to your mastery….i really really love the entire second verse.  i keep rereading it.  it’s marvelous.

    haha, thanks for your monster novel comment on my site, it really was quite inspiring and i loved to read it!!! thank you so much for the compliments about my poetry but also the advice, they truly mean a lot, i just try to write what i feel and i simply hope that it reaches out to whoever reads it and lets them feel a little bit like someone understands something they’ve gone through.  i love to hear good feedback like yours about my work.

    i can’t wait to hear your long poem ( i know mine aren’t really long, i just meant they were long for me…i used to write really long poetry, and then something happened and now everything i write is only a few verses) it sounds awesome.  i think i attempted to read that book when i was too young and got completely lost, but i remember liking the basic storyline, so i cannot wati to read it rendered in poem formation!!! i’m sure it will be glorious…

    thanks again!

  3. yeah it did leave one. it was so long and boring. but i got through it…alive…amazing anyways im down with the essay.i just have to type it out. so gald thats over. well im working on two poems. something came up. and so now my mind is goin wild just to finish bother of them . hope to finish them soon!

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