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Once more updated only LonelyPoet.Org
 Hectic day went by like the swish of my sword. I have an idea for
a poem but ‘Tess’ is staring at me now haha.  If someone gets a
chance watch a program called “Heart Of A Lioness” in Animal planet
channel. That is one incredible show I’ve seen. If you have already
seen it you already knew what I mean.
Hope everyone have a wonderful week(or what remains of it) ahead.

5 Replies to “”

  1. it has been a pretty good week.  sorry that tess is staring at you, haha, but yous houdl always grasp a new idea is my opinion, haha….i’ll try to catch that program sometime.  can’t wait to read your next poem!!

  2. oh wow, totally didnt’ see the survey…..i’ve been sooo busy, but i’m excited, i’m going to fill it out and post it tomorrow probably, ok? haha, it’s exciting….i bet the xanga poetry world can’t wait, har har….

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