A Frustrated Mind

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When events go unexplained. I “WILL” not confuse my mind. I usually shut it down until I find an explanation.

Life Is Complicated When One Act Bad And Think About It. Life Is Simple And Easy When One Think Right And Act Upon It.

I am stressed out, depressed or purely insane whatever you may call it
over silence. Don’t think about me. Enjoy this wonderful day to the
fullest. And forgive me for gone from  here with my  verse until I figure out what to do next.

13 Replies to “A Frustrated Mind”

  1. Will if I wanna….*grins*….now smile. All will work out. I know how ya feel though. Things are a mess in that department for me too right now. Its hard and I dont know how to fix it either.


  2. Regardless of what you say, I will think of you…I hope that this time works more than any.

    I wish that everything that ails you turns to light in place of darkness, and that you are able to find happiness at its finest on this holiday weekend. I don’t like to see people I care about unhappy, and you deserve to be happy.

    May your week still be filled with as much happiness as possible.

  3. hey man i find that when i become confused about what is happening in my life… its the most rewarding to completely release it to god. let the father take all the fears, confusion, and replace it with joy and hope 🙂

    take this day of “good eating” and turn it into a day of thanks to your savior…he’s given us so much 🙂

  4. sometimes we all need to take a break from everything.  it helps to catch our breath and release that stress relieving sigh.    We got snow, a whole dusting of it, but it made for a quaint piccie of the house decorated for xmas.  Now, hopefully when my neighbours get their lights all up it’ll snow again and I’ll get a similar piccie for them!!! 

    take time out, we all need time for self.


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