Day Of No Writing.

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Hello Everyone,
   I am in Overland Park,
KS. I got in here earlier than
expected. Nothing much happened during the trip. I just didn’t feel like
writing that’s all. I am here with my brother and family. They are back from India after a
vacation. My sister-in-law was surprised to see a trim down me. I weighed about
228lbs when I left Kansas
more than a year ago. After reaching Texas
I added more weight increased to around 245lbs. Then I know I am
getting sick
and tired of carry all these weight around. Started a diet and light
now I am down to 196lbs. I should be about 175lbs. My nephew and niece
excited to see me around. My niece asked me “How did you become so
hehehe. My nephew mmm saw him in the evening. He was out watching a
Basket Ball
game in which his classmate was playing. He also told “He you became
Happy I am haha. I started a myspace account. I visited another persons
site today. That inspired to start an account…. but what will I post
there mmmm I don’t know. It is a bit confusing place. Here is the link PoetryShell

Just a remark here with a confession. My date of birth is
wrong in the profile area. That is the official one, yes. It happened because
there were no record keeping in our little town in India in 1969. I was born on Feb 14th
1969 not 1970. I said this because there are people who lie about their age.
That leaves a mystery about everything else they said. True or False.


6 Replies to “Day Of No Writing.”

  1. I hate myspace, its so jam packed with adds its disgusting. Apparently some rich snob bought it some time back and has just been using it for profits. Damn you capitalism!!! But thats just me.

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