My Experiment With Prose.

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No poem today. I was called yesterday evening for work. From morning Iwas there at work till about 2:00PM today. So I did not have enoughtime to work of some of the poems I am working on.
Well… It was an idea that came to my mind a long time back. In Decemberlast year I started working on it. This is just an experiment withwriting prose. I would say, judge yourself. I don’t know what more tosay about it.
Saju MonThis is a name my mother and most of my family call me. Ashan is myfamily name. It was part of my real name and was removed even when Iwas very young. As Ashan means master or guru. My father decided not toadd that to our names as other kids may make fun of us.  So now Iam kinda adding it to my nick name.

Tell me there what do you think.


This weekend. Effed up big time. I feel sad, bad, angry and above allempty. I hope I will be able to find peace with myself soon.

7 Replies to “My Experiment With Prose.”

  1. Children of Zion Behold, The Bridegroom Cometh!

    It’s truly amazing what is happening in our world. Never before has prophecy been more meaningful and pertinent to our daily life. Incredible prophecies are being fulfilled right before our very eyes. What a thrilling time to be alive! You may ask “why are we so excited about this being the end time?” We are excited because all of these Final prophecies whisper Jesus is coming back soon!

    The Rapture is when those who love Jesus go with Jesus Christ to heaven in a Twinkling of an eye,and those left behind will be forced to think weird explanations, like the Multitudes of People who disappeared went into a ufo etc.

    After the Rapture, the world will be in chaos immediately. Some people will be raptured while driving in their cars, causing the cars to crash. Some people will disappear while working the most important jobs in the country, and once they disappear, cities will be destroyed. Planes will crash, electricity will go out, and phone lines will be jammed for days.If you think THIS sounds bad, the Judgements are much worse. Dont Be Left Behind!

    Rapture Prophecy

    Rapture Ready Message board!

    ´º o`·, /__/ _/_ ____/
    “`)¨(´´´ | | | |+++ | |
    ¸,.-·°´ ¸,.-·~·~·-.,¸ `

    As for me and my house,
    we will serve the Lord.

    To Read The Cool Chick Tracts!Simply Press on The Titles.

    Prophecy Today! Press The Link To Listen.

    Are you Rapture Ready? I am

    John 1:23

    He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.

    1 John 2:28

    And now, little children, abide in him, that when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.

    Bride of Christ Watch,and Abide in JESUS CHRIST!I Rejoice,Rejoice,Rejoice,JESUS CHRIST is Coming.AMEN.

  2. Thank You,
    And hopefully it will be, so far it has been great, I made cupcakes for my softball team and my friend Destiny smooshed one in my face. Lol. But I had alot left over so I shared them with a team that we played earlier this morning, (Flagler Fast (they beat us)). It was a fun day, hopefully it may stay this way.


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