
Spread the love

There are things I want to forget. I just can’t. That is theproblem if one become all real and start telling the bare naked truth. Well…There are things that fade away but never will it get erased. Trying to getthings to fade that’s what many poems are all about.


From the couch after a short sleep I woke,
Breakfast, shower they all came and gone,
Work killed half of my muse, before they were conceived,
But a thrill with hunger and thirst lingered.

The evening brightened up my mind,
And after some pretty looking legs I walked,
Nothing else I watched or heard,
But  felt the heat in real upon the face,
And started sweating in the vengeance of the evening sun.

Evening I spent with my friends talking,
Early night I wrote in mind what thoughts I should write,
Remembered these lines a while ago I wrote,
In the pages of a face unforgettable.

“Spreading the wings far beyond horizons, stands,
The feelings of enchantment and fulfillment,
May those feelings always be in flight,
May those wings always cover,
When material world go in retrograde to wishes.”

Oh’ memories are always a wonderful curse,
Can’t swallow because of bitter inappropriateness,
Can’t spit as the sweetness of love so real,
Back into my couch I laid then sprung up,
As the warm night in silence spread,
A walk outside brought in a thousands lines of verse,
But they all faded away in the bitterness earlier I felt.

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