Romantic Feelings.

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I am preparing a collection of poems called “Romantic Feelings” which will be a Amazon Shorts These poems were written in LonelyPoet.Org. None came there to read it. Now If Amazon allows me to publish them then you will see them. Otherwise somewhere in the dark parts of my hard drive it will sit there for ever.

Now what happened to this site. Those who commented and got accepted as friends are the real friends. When I call someone a friend that friend should stand by me. Otherwise there is no point in calling someone a friend. I told all of you that I expect comments on my works be it negative or positive it doesn’t matter, I want to know what my readers thinks. I opened up LonelyPoet.Com for comments where it is much more easier to find and comment on poems. One don’t even need to be a member of that site. Some people came in there initiallly then they also disappeared. From footprints I can see people visiting my xanga site but not LonelyPoet.Com. Still if you comment in LonelyPoet.Com I will comment in your site.

There are changes, the collection of poems called “Yesterdays” which I originally planned to write 365 poems will be reduced to 100 poems. I have already posted 54 of those poems in here as well as LonelyPoet.Com. Another collection which I thought of writing called “Characters” the whole project was abandoned. I will post here as well as in LonelyPoet.Com other poems.

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