Two incidents of life came to me one my own when someone asked me can someone fall in love over the internet. Yes I answered but I failed to explain how the spiritual part of love really works. I can only say how spiritually I love, I was not able to explain how to feel the spiritual part of love as I never felt it. Said that I met another girl who told me how she found love through internet, she said, I will go anywhere and do anything to be with him. Keeping both these things in mind I started writing and came out with the following.
Now about my life. —————————————-
The Spiritual Side Of Love.
Seen the sunlight through the leaves,
Born in the warmth of the mid Spring caress,
Hundreds of flowers bloomed along, watched,
A wanderer who walked with no aim in mind.
Birds sat upside down on the trees in fear,
Then realized no harm from a way lost harmless man,
He is nothing more than a wild animal in those little eyes,
Then they all sang a tune from his empty mind came.
Oh where he came from he only knows,
What emptied his mind only the women he loved knows,
Where are they he himself know not,
Every step he laid, a step away from all he knows.
Follow me not he said to birds,
Forget me now he said to even dead rocks,
The aversion to all the earthly life bound his heart,
And to all he shut his mind yet another time.
Those hands raised not in prayers,
As he know all the prayers where already prayed,
All good a man can do already done,
Now all unfulfilled and he only can wander in detachment.
Merged into nature the world at him screamed,
Let the nature merge on to me he whispered,
Oh’ all the beauty of the nature into two small eyes merged,
And in front of him with all love life ever known, glittered.
Can two eyes fill in an empty mind?
But when into those eyes he looked he saw,
A soul filled like the core of the Earth,
Oh’ how wonderfully God created her for me, he said.
If the core of earth is filled with fire,
Her soul is filled with hope,
Her heart is the true symbol of love,
Every flicker of her eyes sprouted dreams of morrows.
All past days dissolved in the passion seen,
And as mist covered them both,
The world never will know what words were spoken,
But soon heard birds singing in love,
The fresh tunes in the summer warmth,
Leaving the wisdom all around,
That true love always be rewarded,
As the holiness of it is only understood,
And all material parts of life disappears.
When true loving hearts in spirit of love merges,
Oh’ no matter how far apart in material they are.
This poem was written in April 1999 to be given to my mom on mother’sday. Due to a love failure I did not released this poem. Two and halfyears later I recorded this in audio. And 3 years after that I gave thepoem to my mom. The friend/fan who had the recording, who also knowthat I am a big fan of A.R.Rahman added the audio. Special thanks tobig brother who kept, added music and gave it to me.
There are two versions of this poem the words are same, the background music are different.
The Warmth Of The Invisible Palms-With Vande Matharam Background
The Warmth Of The Invisible Palms-With Bombay Dreams Background.
Those who can’t follow my accent can read the words of the poem by visiting this link The Warmth Of The Invisible Palms-Text.
I read this one out loud, and I really liked it. :). The beginning was especially nice.
i AGREE the beginning was Truely amazing and very vivid and bold in its own way! the poem si reallly intresting and i love how ti flows from on stanza to the next! man ti si hard to only pick on stanza as a favorite but all are amazing!
i enojy ur poetry!
Am glad you posted one today.Your poems are being missed.As usual the flow is quite amazing and beautiful…
God bless,
no one ate them i am just doing a site overhaul if you will……get my stuff in order for the new year…should have done it in january but time just seemed to slip by me
as always eye wish you and yours great things and love
Hi!, now a footprint and a comment by me
(sorry for my bad English ^^ )
My background logo is the flag and coat of arms from Canary Islands (Spain)
See you! and thx for your comment!
Hi! Thanks for stopping by in my blog. Really nice poetry!!
I think that the internet is just another place to meet. But sometimes it’s hard to get the truth of the person as she/he tries to look nicer and better in our eyes. So anyway if the love or friendship appears – it’s better to try it in the real life – to make a call or to meet each other. It would be the good check for the stability.
With all the best,
L.P. Now about your life…………………………. Don’t leave us hanging! 🙂
Hope you are feeling much better these days. A poignant piece, this poem. Really well done! Your friend, Lah
What’s new Lonely Poet?