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Someone asked me in my myspace site is there anything new, I said”Nothing new” yes thereis nothing new. So I just wrote something I thought I will first postthere. There is hardly anyone who knows that I have a myspace account.There are some. Even they did not showed up there. hehehe. On MondayApril 28, 2008 I posted the following poem there.

Pain Of A Blessing.

Through the dark paths gladness left,
As the blessing mind forgot the gone by days
Leaving feelings of a dagger piercing,
Deep into spine, where pain never felt,
As sadness, fear, and anger in disappointment drowned.

Not felt the known feelings of love,
Not felt the unknown feelings of your touch,
There is a hunger inside that depicts,
The truth of of the yearnings of unknowns,
And it all takes your face from this day.

Oh’ followed the dreams I thought ageless,
When through every root of hairs on me,
Pain of passions lost clutched and squeezed,
And the many times bloodless I fell,
Where none stood to lend a hand,
New dreams were formed and lifted,
Back on to legs and I ran and ran and ran,
After all those that came through senses,
Now I know not what a true dream is,
As all that I followed were curses humanity left.

A bleeding heart in my hand youth left,
And it will bleed rest of a lifetime I will live,
As what I was shown will shine bright,
Filling more blood in my already stretched veins,
And never I will free my mind off you,
And never will I live a day without the memory,
Of a blessing in the youthful days known,
A blessing spelled by you,
A blessing which is you.

Never will I bow before another human,
Never will I bury the truth of myself,
May it be that a synonym of failure I become,
May it be that the face of nightmares I become,
But through it all I still will remember,
The blessing you are and you were.


8 Replies to “”

  1. The richness of your poetry is like a Navajo blanket woven with patience and skill into something unique, a treasure… or the interwoven boughs of one of those roads where the canopy closes in to form a tunnel, the road is interspersed with light and shadow and though it is a little eerie in its beauty you know you have safe passage there.

  2. I find your poetry hard to comment, there’s so much I could say about this text. I like your imaginery as always and the principles you stand for. I’m lucky to be able to read you and learn from you 🙂 Thanx for sharing.

  3. ryc: thanks so much, as always. I just thought it sounded kind of funny and so, ironic. Though the subject is not so much.

    mm. your poetry reads nicely, but sounds so graceful when read out loud. I love reading it out loud.

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