The Last Words Of Time

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What will Time say when Time one of the creations of God was about to take the eternal sleep. Here Read.


The Last Words Of Time


Once upon a time, when I was a lot younger,

There lived a man who loved a girl,

Many ways he choose to show her how much he cared,

Many ways he choose to make her feel how much he loved,

But chose not to tell her the words of love,

As words of love were over used by humanity at that time,

She knew it all she first cared about it all,

Then she lost it all in her views that even made me laugh,

She danced her way away, far away from him,

And covered herself in smoke screens through which he can’t see,

Which left him in the pain of parting, unbearable,

But no hypocrite he was and he knew nothing he could do,

Spent the rest of his life unknown to even myself,

When at the end of his time after losing her years ago,

He said these words,

“Oh’ how much I loved her and I thank God for the gift of love,

  Again and again in this lifetime I loved her more and more,

  Though no love from her I got and from her life me she forgot,

  Oh’ keeping all the love God gave me witness, I leave all the good I did,

  At her foot as all the good I always did to her I owe,

  Oh’ tired I am not and but to the world where she belongs… Good Bye”

Many generations and civilizations in billions of years I have seen,

He is the one, who truly loved and spent his life loving her,

I only remember those words when I take my eternal sleep.


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