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I don’t say much about what is going on with my life. Well it is quite hectic. I changed a bit as I start way early in the morning and come home as early as I can. There is not a lot I can say about my work or where I work or even where exactly I live. I am somewhere in the US that’s it. I am working on some new poems which you all will see here in the coming days. What more I can say…. Mmmm

  Mind through turbine tumble on and on,

  The reasons you will see when the scrolls of verses unbind,

  In the coming days that will give more about who I am,

  Misjudging me and my intentions bore cruelty which pierced,

  And still I smile as my hurt will only hurt you the caring one.

  What you will “Learn” oh’ dear,

  Should’ve been learned from wisdoms of past,

  Than the mistake you made when firing arrows of slander aimlessly.

  Oh’ It only awoke a lover long time back I put to sleep,

  Now tell me what lullaby should I sing?

  To put him back to sleep.


Here is a poem I wrote and presented in blogtv. Yes it is about a girl.



Smile Of The Darling Girl


The colorful magic Mother Nature spread,

Through the hands of the beautiful spring,

Nature thrown her share all around,

Of happiness all souls wished for in the dark days.


Through the dawns of life she crawled,

And stepping into the morns of life she is,

From the depths of mind all the happiness she can share,

She gathered and on her face brought,

Her eyes glittering like two bright little stars,

That wonderful pointed nose spread a little more,

Skin upon her forehead stretch a little and shined,

The rosy cheeks to the side bulged spreading,

Those soft lips upon which nature dipped her quill,

And paused to see that wonderful moment before she painted,

A new species of flower in colors unseen danced.


The singing birds paused and the flying birds landed all around,

The wind waited upon the tree holding his breath,

Oh’ even the light from the glory of sun for a moment stopped,

When that wonderful smile upon her face spread,

A smile this portion of time took as a blessing,

And every creature that saw that smile left a prayer,

Upon a humble poet who in words wrote from his soul,

About the wonderful feelings of love upon his mind laid,

And told her his love for her again and again,

Making her smile again and again with his love.


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