The Lost Kite.

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I love winter days. Last night the temperature came down to about 19F here where I live well it gave me a running nose which may eventually give me the flu. But isn’t that the fun of winter. Well what do you get when it is cold cold cold…. a poem written in thought of days of warmth.

The Lost Kite.

The sun from the depths of night crawled,
And sailed through the morning warming,
Lands, water and the bright lit gardens seen,
Smiling through the face of flowers and waving,
And the glory to yester nights lost sun regained.

Through the ridges of paddy fields walked,
With care not to fall among tadpoles,
Never really looked back ahead or up,
Just saw a face from above looking sharp,
Oh’ my own little face I remember.

My shoulders in the love of summer sun shined,
Then with old news papers and coconut leaf sticks made,
The kite only in imaginations seen,
A big kite with a long, long tail and pointed tips,
Like a creature in summer afternoon wind waved.

The summer wind to heights closer to white clouds took,
The kite flown so high like a dot far, far away moved,
Every stretch of string in the way I want, the kite moved,
Slicing sunlight and the blowing warm wind,
And through the edge of ridges in joy I ran.

Oh’ the joy made me blind and nothing I have seen,
And the fields don’t last forever and the ending I have not known,
From the edge into the pool of mud and water I fell,
Oh’ my joy just dissolved into mud with muddy face I looked,
Saw the kite waving bye, bye to me swaying head in disgust.

When in disappointments my hands and face I washed,
An image from far sight of life to my mind came,
A kite in the shape of heart I saw,
In all lost hopes and dreams with broken threads,
In winds unknown, too far and too high swaying and disappeared.

With eyes closed in the pond I sat,
Until nothing more in my minds eyes I saw,
When standing up and eyes I opened,
Darkness all around me and nature filled,
Instead of kites, material sight and sky with blinking stars filled.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. 2009 All Rights Reserved

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