Nursery Of Stars.

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The beautiful sight of falling snow I see all around me. Wow I am lucky to see it and enjoy it to the fullest. I wonder how many really enjoy seeing snow falling. Many folks just curse as they know in the next couple of days snow is going to freeze and then things start to get slippery. I guess by now people who really understand me know where I going with this paragraph. Those who don’t understand me, my way of writings, please don’t bother to read any further. I am sorry you are not going to enjoy anything here. You can go to other pages in Xanga which will give you enjoyment now. Once you grow up and experience life very well I am sure you will return to my sight as truth is all I can tell.
  Anyway I saw a picture from NASA where it said the title of this poem. Kinda spent sometime looking the magnificent picture. Then I wrote this poem.
  Keep warm folks, those who love snow and cold, oh yeah I don’t need to tell ya what you should do.

Click on the picture to see the full sized picture.

Nursery Of Stars.

It’s a dreamless night I spent,
With a twitch deep in my soul you left,
O narrow is not the mind of mine,
Not to return what painted with your love, you gave.

Tried to be a singer but no music I can write,
To be a painter I tried, but no colors can be seen,
In the light from you eyes came.
Tried to be a hunter of treasures unknown,
To give you in every care from childhood I learned,
Oh no treasure I found upon which my love I can bind.

Oh’ to mother nature I looked and whitest clouds she gathered,
Into it bound the whispers of all my care she merged,
And took it to the place you lived and showered,
Ah’ the umbrella of misunderstandings kept you dry.

The sky is clear but we are far,
Sad thoughts eclipse minds from sights so near,
But deeper in mind still the twitch you left I feel,
Oh’ from mind so fragile but agile still I search,
What to give you, which, with my love I can paint.

As nothing I have for anyone to love,
No colors seen in what for you I painted.
No stars in the day anyone can see,
But fill your mind leaving darkness behind,
Stars birthed in the love of mine to you.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. 2009 All Rights Reserved

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