Poetry Video

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I started writing a new set of poems and oh my god, the theme away from Romance and Love seems to be hard to take. I wrote, rewrote and then thrown away all that I wrote now restarting in a new way. It is not easy to change styles which I learned in a hard way now. But I guess I will be able to adapt myself to a more narrative style in time. I am not able to focus a lot into writing as lot of other things with life kinda holds me by my throat. Well, I’ve been here before so I will get along with things. I guess everyone is okay out there. I thought this winter I may have another explosion with my poetry in new style, I promised my hard core readers that the new poems will come two weeks back. I am sorry folks this poet failed miserably in what he promised. But here is something I did with a bunch of pictures I got from couple sites. I made a video of my poem “The Essence Of A Lover’s Life”. Hope you all like it. It was made mostly for people who follow me on facebook and Youtube. But my xanga family, I can’t keep it only for them you are all always here with me, with love, with care and a lot of prayers. I love you all.

By the way my xanga friends who use facebook become a fan of me there http://facebook.lonelypoet.com my fan page cannot add you directly back as a friend. You become a fan of me in that link I will add you from the parent ID which is Sajumon Ashan. Those who use Youtube please subscribe to me there http://youtube.lonelypoet.com

You all enjoy what remains of the winter. The next Arctic blast is on its way to midwest…mmm I loving this cold..woo hoo.

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