Unpaved Paths.

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One of the shortest poems I have written in recent times. Short it maybe but to those who knows the truth, they may sit and think about this for a long time. There are people who don’t care about birthdays, anniversaries etc. But I care about it. I take extra care to greet my friends and family to greet them. I give small gifts too. Many care to thank, some forget to thank, some just were not born to know why others care about them and claim they can love when what they can only do is to hurt. And to those uncaring, thankless people I say, thank you very much as by the actions of all of you I get the juice to write. What follows is one of those writings. Still I remember when someone said, “This is way beyond hurting” Still I remember, “You my friend will never be forgotten” Yes I will never be forgotten for the love that one has for me I cannot return in the same measures.


Here is


Unpaved Paths.


Love a reality of hundreds of illusion to two minds comes,

 Every illusion from a thought births,

Oh’ those as dreams in minds translates,

Oh’ those dreams one see, paths to the reality of love.


You and I O my darling we have seen those paths,

At the starting point of many paths many times we stood,

Never a step on those paths we laid,

And we went astray through paths unpaved to each other.

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