The Screaming Ventriloquist.

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With the flow of the wind she walked,
Like a Peacock she danced,
The meanings of the whispers of the dark of night she sang,
Oh’ none seen the visions of love she seen,
And those visions a man to her unknown sought.

In ways to be known she walked,
Her true self none cared to know,
And in tunes from her own heart came, she danced,
A dance of her own none understood,
But man to her unknown cared to learn.

The creepy man himself he called,
And to thin air his words in verses spoke,
The crazy man the world may have thought,
But her heart through spirituality he saw.

Every soul from the light of divine made,
And those found to reflect at each can never lose sight,
Though far, far away, still her soul he felt,
And to her in language of the heart he spoke.

Words of care in verses strung,
Verses of love aloud he sang,
But his words like that of ventriloquist heard,
From mouths of mockers who can never be him,
The more he spoke the more away from him she looked.

The meaning of all he said, only she understood,
But all he said from another direction she heard,
Those puppets that made her dance,
In tunes of a world with evil bound.

He screamed to her to hear him right,
In her mind any thought about him loathed,
Though all he said from another mouth she heard,
And a world louder than him screamed.

He screamed to her in warnings she unheard,
Her ears in the mocking laugh and applause filled,
Of a world in twists and turns went,
As she turned along merging in the crowd.

The crowd understood her not and the world knew her not,
Though somewhere still echoed the loving verses to her he spoke,
Those echoes she will hear no more,
As his voice forever in misunderstandings lost.

Disappointment in her, the world and in himself he felt,
No more hope about her in his mind he kept,
The winds bound him tight so no spiritual voice of him ever heard,
As the voice only found the definition divine gave in her soul.


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