When I bought my house I called it “Happiness Memorial” Many asked why would I use the word memorial and I said “I used the word monument when I said a greeting once and that monument makes me happy every time I think about that monument” what an evasive speech, later I thought as I hid the person in what I said. Those who heard it frowned but as they know it is not a good idea to confront me with their thoughts they all said nothing, even though I heard the echo from their mind that said “Whatever.” This poem was written with the “Darling Girl” in mind as everyday the monument is trying in all possible ways to fade away from my eyes.
Happiness Memorial.
“You the one who still may read.” She meant when she spoke,
Can’t even tell my name to address,
Hatred in her injected by serpents in protection around her crawl,
And they spit more venom as these days they won.
Time ahead none knows,
Time we passed we both know,
What in the past we cared in happiness bound,
Though in every corner of my mind a thought about her brings,
Happiness and cheerfulness I once for her wished,
This day my conscience bow in defeat, in her silent misunderstandings.
Never ever I will forgive all that became the reasons for the fall,
I leave her for her own cause,
But dear, always count on the stretched hands of mine.
If ever by the venom of those serpents you fall,
As the love of mine will be the anti-venom they can’t sustain,
Still looking at the raising sun in the morning I prayed,
Never ever to give a chance for the anti-venom to be used.
Such were the thoughts of mine when the morning spread,
Breathless, mother nature motionless stood,
When looking at the fading stars I once more prayed,
May this day make her the standing monument of happiness in the world.
©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved. 2012.
This sounds like a painful loss. BTW, i like the metaphor about serpents and love being an anti-venom, a universal kind of vision of tragedy.
@ascultafili – Thank you very much. I am glad you enjoyed reading it.