Welcome 2013 to my life. As usual I felt good when welcoming the new year. Felt like holding a little baby in my hands, at the same time, I made a little prayer for the year that just passed away. I buried 2012 with no honors. 2012 was a year in which I made the worst ever mistake of my life. So that is buried and gone and I washed my hands and said “I took a swing at fate with all my might and determination, now I know I was way wrong. My sincere apologies to myself and my fate. However I still acknowledge the very fact that I was right in many more ways than in one wrong I did. So I sincerely believe the right buried the wrong along with the year 2012”
I went to see Hobbit yesterday. It is an “OK” movie. I won’t even spell the whole “Okay”. I felt that it was a little too long in the 3rd quarter. Can’t wait to see the rest of the Hobbit movies.
Now I am sitting at home relaxing a bit after a long night with a smile and thought, ‘I am not going after any girl in “Permanent PMS” like a home schooled boy who was just let go out of his home’ I am glad my weight is getting under control but I still have a long way to go. As for everything else in life I have to say something like Bilbo Baggins says in Hobbit “I am not a hero” never promised I will be and I never will be and I never wanted to be one. So don’t expect to see me flying in tights wearing my underwear outside my tights.
Here is a crazy thought, it sounds crazy now but this Lone Looney will make it real. Stop working and start living life in my own way. 2013 and years to come, here I come. For now, I am just starting to think to figure out the necessary resources to live in my own way. Peace folks.