Flying A Torn Kite

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My picture may scare many people, some people may feel bad, some may feel sad, some will feel glad to see the pathetic look of me. To all, it took 5 days of not shaving, 2 days of no showers and about 18 hours straight without sleep to get that look to take one picture. I got the exact look I wanted as for this poem I needed to see someone I myself cannot take a second look at. So I chose myself as the model to write a feeling I got in my mind which I slowly blown up like a goldsmith blows slowly steadily and precisely to get the best out. 

So here is the poem that came out with all these wild effort. Hope you all like it.

Have a good day.

Flying A Torn Kite.

The broken dream down from mind fell,
And into the reality laid with your face,
Brutality of my misconceptions,
Or the fancy of your thoughtless world,
All I felt was a torn kite high and high flown. 

The unwinding time shown the gone by days,
When, thinking modest she smiled bright,
Looking with love I only saw her smile,
Gladness filled her eyes and glowed,
Ah’ in her, prettiness found new synonyms.

Stitching together the synonyms a dream I made,
And through the language of the heart to her I spoke,
But that language from her heart she erased I forgot,
And the world around her a calamity to love became,
But the dream like a kite high and high flown.

Misconceptions in stubborn stupidity drove,
Mind to intoxication with assumptions,
Ah’ my own love as my worst enemy evolved,
And made life a forgetful plea for forgiveness,
Though for another five lifetimes I deserve not. 

Every day passed shot a hole in the kite,
And without line high and high flown,
And to unknown depths my own soul drowned,
No mercy I seek, and no mercy I deserve,
As life joined the torn kite high and high flown. 

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