A New Passion

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Hi All,
Yeah I am in and out of here .. but I still love the good old Xanga. This whole new format is weird.. Gotta get used to it.

Here is my new passion 360 Degree Videos and Pictures.

Here are some of the videos I took

Andy Grammer at Miller Park Video 1 these two videos are not of the best quality as I was only at the baby steps with BublCam

Andy Grammer at Miller Park Video 2

Now I wanted to take a good video of my backyard and it was okay the new settings were not saved like I thought

And of course the inside of my house. This is the living and dining area with a walk through my small kitchen.

Simple life isn’t it? Aha.. it is anything but simple behind that smile. Here is the latest poem from my Facebook

Someone in the Academy Of American poets once said…One should not explain a poem.. I called that person very bad names and left the Academy forum for good. I told the then admin.. I am a poet and I don’t need any academy to approve that. If you don’t read my poem with my explanations then the next generation will.
Here is the explanation of my poem..

I am a person who never leaves a friend. There are people who were friendly to me and then they became rivals but I never leave that person whom I call a friend. That person will always be someone I care about. In thoughts, prayers and in deeds, I will always be there for them.
I lost a friend because she didn’t like something I said. But she never lost me, and just today I thought I will check how she is doing and went to her facebook and saw this…
“Nicoderm CQ exists for people who want to quit smoking. What do they have for people who want to quit chocolate?”

I said to myself Probably Chocoderm byq
Then I thought I should have never gone there.. but I did because of the following reason.

Twilight Of The Rising Sun.

Wandering through the timelines of our life, Ah’ I wonder,
What wonderful creations of God you and I are,
Wiping away sweat, for each other we cared,
Wiping away tears of joy, ah’ each other we loved.

All the combinations of care and love we championed,
And then fought we, like street dogs and each other we left,
Leaving only salty sad tears forever in our eyes.
But we held, we became the champions of our own hearts.

And when the timelines of future we face every day,
Have we forgotten that one day we must champion,
Each other’s heart than heart of our own, leaving,
Soul in perpetual loneliness none can connect to?

Dreams are good, dreams are great, and we must see they are fulfilled,
Oh love will outlive every dream outside of romance we will ever see,
As in every possible way I tried to turn my heart away from you and failed,
Ah’ the rising sun’s twilight will bring to you a smile filled with my love.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2016.

Instead of a picture I am leaving you a song … listen to the lyrics.

Have a sweet day!! I miss the good old days of Xanga. Love you all.

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