An Important Person.

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Bring to me the light of morrows for me to see,
How wonderful and sweet are those eyes,
Burying in your soul when in gladness you smile.
The pleasures those smiles bring to my mind,
And the fascinating dreams they kindle.

Dreams that told tales of romance,
Dreams that held my hands and flew,
Dreams that merged past, present and future,
And gave me the essence of all in reality,
You are the most important person in my life.

Forgiveness of misgivings of the past,
Filled with the joy of present day smiles,
When gathering love of the future,
And holding your hands in holy celebration of romance.
Oh’ hope found life upon hopes and lived on.

Every moment I live and every bit of my life unfold,
Hope they bring peace to you the queen of my dreams.
My sincerity to your love found life, in the sanctity of my love.
Incomplete thoughts, dreams and romance, torn,
And once more in bitter sadness with reasons justified screamed,

You are the most important person in my life.

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Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

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