The Dancing Dream.

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The Dancing Dream.

Sunny day through the windows smiled,
As dusts cleared my face upon the mirror seen,
And the happiness the dream left in mind,
Merged into the shy filled Nature.

Ah’ the dream I saw where I wandered lost,
And found a flower filled way,
That led to a house covered in the morning mist,
The closer I got, the thicker the mist shrouded.

The scent of skin, the touch of soul,
You left behind as reminders of love,
Then the whispers of a prayer I heard,
A prayer to bring peace to my soul eternally.

The prayer that erased all the past,
The prayer that cleared all future doubts,
The prayer that in clarity said these words,
Oh’ Almighty let me love him beyond my time too.

As I stood looking through the bay window,
Time passed in steady pace,
As the dream danced in paths to fulfillment.


Photo by Timothy Paul Smith on Unsplash


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