Journey To A Never Ending Daydream.

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Journey To A Never Ending Daydream.

Waking up from a material dream I walked,
Oh’ away from the material life I walked,
Meaningless mockery of the material world I heard,
Peasant I am not in the matter of love,
As Godly love, in my heart and soul filled.

When by the doors of material love I walked,
Hearing verses in words of sweetness weaved,
Some with romantic intoxication filled,
Some with lust driven passions filled,
Oh’ the language of the heart by humanity given,
To extinction when words used, in actions became meaningless.

Ah’ in there some played music with emotions filled,
Each instrument a different emotion suggested,
Some danced in the tunes and rhythm of others,
Some danced looking at other’s moves,
All seemed prying on material hallucinations.

Passed many doors, many faces I saw,
Sad at times I felt, angry at times I felt,
But there were moments when pleasant I felt,
As verses, music and dance gave senses a beautiful nurture,
And hopes, dreams and wishes guided,
Grip of soul for many years mind lost,
Heart pounded in yearning to be loved, untiringly.

That material world to accept I cannot,
And the door closed in winds of material naughtiness.
Turned back and looked at those paths through which passed,
Nothing to venture back, for those bridges burned behind.

The lake not so far away I saw,
Locked and sealed the door tight and I walked,
To the lake, the never ending daydream,
Leaving drops of tears I never wanted to shed.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2012.

Photo by Quinten de Graaf on Unsplash

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