Blog Post About This Poem – Read This Before Reading The Poem.
The feelings of love, Oh’ like an ocean spread,
Wide beyond eyes can see, deep beyond imaginations,
The unleft youth dangling in my heart like wind chimes,
Lured material me to talk out loud to a sleeping soul.
Wake up, wake up, my lonely soul, as a mate for you I found,
Simple soul, wonderful soul she is, ah’ in silence keeps her love,
My unfelt buddy tell me,”What wonderful verses I should write,
To make her feel the love from you with purity I derive?”.
No wind-chimes noises I heard,
Then to
To bring her beauty in material and spirit to you for you to love?”,
Nothing moved not even an extra heartbeat in me I felt.
The world moved and along to move with all efforts I tried,
The passion grew and along with I tried to age my time too,
Then to soul again I asked “How will I court her into wishing,
To be my honor, to be my pride, ah’ to be my wedded bride?”.
As from my experience nothing from soul I expected,
As life revolved at one point of time for the benefit of none,
To feel my soul ah’ with aches of
As silence loomed in every realm of my existence,
When world celebrated living beyond imaginations,
To my soul I once more asked “What ways I can care,
and share the happiness I will feel when in her presence?”.
The heart slowed, listening to those beats my will surrendered,
To the darkness of night, that kept my mind too in darkness,
Waking up from my deep slept sleep to my soul I whispered
“Ah’ even my dreams joined you in the valley of silence?”.
Then while watching the sun gain his glory through morning,
Every senses soul awakened, and all of them sizzled to unite,
And gave a feeling in words through every vein screamed,
“Why are you asking all these manly things? I am her”.
© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

For this poem as I am talking about dealing with the soul which never ages I wanted it to be represented by a very young girl. Please take no misunderstandings by seeing the image of a very young girl.