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The fading fog of the December morn I watched,
As Christmas days in South Indian towns left dangling stars,
Ah’ as new year brings in fresh feeling when back at school,
Every year I said “If this year is not the best another will come”.
School days gone, College days flourished,
Oh’ what wonderful dreams in a heart I wrote,
Each other we loved not we didn’t break each other’s hearts.
And I said, “Love is an elusive bird who
First steps to earnings, Oh’ job after job I tried,
Failures and abandonment thrilled me in challenges,
Each one at least a question left, for which I answered,
“There is always another way, there is always another job.”.
The world around faster than thoughts collapsed,
Dear one departed, near ones for answers looked,
Ah’ the childhood dream of a story-teller told,
“Another place, away from all, another road will pave”.
The journey to the other side of globe I took,
Mysteries gone, ah’ friendly smiles, heartfelt hugs,
Party filled nights, reckless days, long road trips,
Untiring efforts, the cycle of life took a new face.
Shadows of a dark dream ah’ like a curse followed,
Job after job left me and many jobs I left,
Always in depths of mind what left kindled a new hope,
I always said “Let it go and move on to the next chapter’.
In the aimless plights, ah’ progressed again and again,
Love life, at work I met one, who never loved,
Ah’ I wish I loved her too, but before love ever came,
She made me ask “To whom shall I stretch my heart, next?”.
The gamble of emotions to write and write brought,
A lovely face and a talent beyond imagination to my life,
Ah’ she made me feel loved but between us love never sparked,
As from each other we moved I said, “Elusive birds never like cages.”.
Every moment into my past analytically I looked,
Ah’ always another plan, always another job, another face,
To which I moved, left, abandoned, and fell apart.
And at all those moments a new hope always kindled.
Every dream I ever saw, Oh’ ever verse of love I ever wrote,
Ah’ all to the beauty of her soul and her smile, translated.
And about the reasons I write one day she questioned,
I smiled and told “I write because I like you.”
Without hesitation to me she said,”I do not have such feelings,
As I am in my mid-twenties, and you much older”.
The air from my lungs left me astray, heart beat for no reason.
As my senses lost and our differences I missed,
Ah’ never ever to my senses ever came another plan,
No “Who’s next” questions, as my love completed,
But no love for me ever formed to be completed.
Dark shadows filled the dreams in me sprouted,
Ah’ when awake a feeling deepened into my mind,
As childhood memories shown, whirligig from a string I left,
Ah’ at the same point spinning it stayed, like my love life.
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