The Pain Of An Unloved Man.
The tangled thoughts of love and reality,
Ah’ what sacred vow binds me to reality?
Skepticism forced me to relinquish the wild dream,
As love for her fell beyond life’s acceptable theme.
And to her I ask “Do you wish I wear another face?,
“Do you wish I were close enough to your age?”,
“Do you wish I spoke different than I do now?”,
“Do you ever wish to see me holding your hand?”.
The silent reader of my lonely heart she is,
Ah’ every time she reads the language of my heart,
Oh’ with raised hands once more I pray, for her love.
Oh’ the paths to each other’s hearts so straight it was,
And you went in paths unknown to you and I,
Along the paths fell the dreams of mine you so well know,
And I wish to cry out loud to a world oblivious to my love.
Everyday that passed by, Oh’ I wake and pray,
Every night passed me by I wander in dreams already seen,
Trying hard to find a way to make you smile when you read,
The language of my heart I write letter by letter to you, hiding,
The pain of an unloved man.
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