Seventeenth Day Of June – 2019.
Romantic fantasies always were a passion of mine,
Oh’ I remembered every girl from my childhood till date,
Those pretty faces that held my heartbeat and breath,
And left me astray beyond hopes of any recovery.
Oh’, recovered I from everyone to disappoint tried,
Belief of me being a survivor, Oh’, so wrong were I,
As friendships and relations to understand me failed,
It is sheer arrogance to overcome the odds I learned.
The world at me for changes in their ways screamed,
Even if the whole humanity that were dead and gone,
And the living as a whole or one by one charges at me,
Change I will not for I know I am right against hypocrisy.
The day began and ended in screams by hypocrites,
As I stood by my own right and left them all astray,
Oh’, no soul I expect to stand by me, for no soul I find,
Yet, far she maybe, Little Boss shined a ray of hope.
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