Eleventh Day Of July – 2019.
Where are the words, Oh’, morning tell,
You so wonderfully into my heart whispered,
Through colors, the squeaking birds and winds,
The clasp of the tree branches giving rhythms.
My questions and pleas went into history unheard,
And noon brought sleepy thoughts and brain succumbed,
The wandering winds knocked on windows like hungry cats,
Early evening chased them away and summer warmth sang.
“Speak through the heart, O’ poet speak to her heart,
May the blessing you are, be part of her life in spirit,
And may your art, in essence, reflect every bit her as art,
As time not just heals it makes meanings more meaningful.”.
I wondered all through
This part of the world and went for their performance,
On the other side as a blessing or curse, I cannot know,
For my Little Boss’s peace, through my wondering, I felt.
Night fell asleep but nothing of my being can even feel,
Any sleep as time lost the tenses and in might stood,
Then I wondered more about how my love for her evolved,
Into making my heartbeats dance in its rhythms expressing love.
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