The Meeting.
The night passed with thoughts about past,
Where did it all started a mind boggling mystery,
Did it all started at the first sight of her,
Or did it all began back when love was first understood.
As early morning broke loose I decided to take a walk,
And as I left the front yard something soft touched my hand,
That little soul curiously looked and I know she too,
Didn’t sleep a wink but was in some curious thoughts.
Holding my hands silently along with me she walked,
And I just bend and asked, “Don’t you have any home works?”,
Smiled the widest smiles and she asked “In Summer?”
I stood there and looked at those bright twelve year old eyes.
When walking holding her hand clasped in mine I said,
“I met her when working a fun time job in a store,
In those days there were big stores that sold everything,
I called her Little Boss as she was the assistant to my boss.”
The clasp got tightened by my little darling and I continued,
“We never talked about anything and were not that close,
And my bad tempers one day flared at some others and I left,
The job and store never to go back there but I missed her.”.
Those little hands pulled me and I looked at her in the back,
She asked “Grandma didn’t talked to you after that?”, I smiled,
“She was young and vibrant, her busy life never included me,
But then something happened one day that changed everything.”.
A smile upon that little face sprouted and she walked along,
I continued, “One day I met her and her parent in a coffee shop,
I talked to her and her dad a very kind man and took that,
As an omen of good things to happen between me and her.”.
The curious little mind pulling my hand from ahead asked,
“What did she say to you grandpa when you met her?”,
I looked up and all around and in all honesty said,
“That was a 130 years ago honey, I can’t remember.”.
The twelve year old face became grim and a bit sad,
Then I said “But I remember going back to that store,
Everyday to get a glimpse of her and she knew why I am there,
Everyone else knew why I go there, still I did but said nothing.”.
The sad little face became crossed and in a bold voice asked,
“You didn’t tell her you like her even after meeting,
Every day for many days?”, I smiled and said,
“Nope, because she was 23 years younger than me.”.
I took a break from my talk as I walked slowly,
Then I said, “I just can’t let her go off mind either,
So I wrote the poems about her and my posts you read,
Someday she may see I thought but everyday she saw.”.
“Aaand? Grandma didn’t like you at all in beginning?”,
I laughed and said “Nope, there came a day when I asked,
About the daily visits to my website by someone from her home,
And she asked “Why you write such things about me?”.”.
I replied “Because I like you”, and to that she angrily responded,
“I have no such feelings for you Riaz, I am in my mid-twenties,
And you are much older. We were not that close anyway.”.
The little heart at my heart moaned “Oh no.”. and glanced down.
By that time we were closer back to home and beside her I sat,
My old knees hurts but I sat holding those little shoulders and said,
“Your grandma was a kind lady, she lived those days loved by me,
She lived every moment gaining love in her heart unknowingly.”.
My grand daughter stood looking at us and came to me and asked,
“So grandpa is telling you stories?” my great grand daughter replied,
“Love is all he is”.. gave a little punch on my nose and she ran,
And her mom took my hand and said “I can’t agree with her more.”.
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