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It is kinda little late in the evening. But after a long day of well
deserved rest I am up and thinking. It might’ve been a wonderfull
weekend out there. But I decided to get my websites a look. And made
some additons to my lonelypoet.org site.  I wonder other than me
who visits that site hehehe. In the coming weeks I will be
concentrating more on my sites than this blog. That doesn’t mean that I
will not be updating this site. But all my new poems will be first
posted in LonelyPoet.Com. Because I feel like abandoning my own
children when not visiting my own sites.
  I owe a lot of
people a lot of comments which of course I will do. But for the time
being I am going to get out of my  home go where I don’t know and
whom I will end up with that also I don’t know. The night is mmm its
still pretty bright out there to be called a night.
 Here is
a poem I wrote reflecting upon a real life event. Or to put it in
another way I saw a real event and it popped up a lot of personal
feelings inside of me which inspired me to write this poem.

Tearless Eyes

Alone in this world I live,
Discarded by the world I love,
Leaving no hope for desires abandoned,
And the loved ones stands perplexed,
With unanswered questions that freezes,
A life filled with love for you,
But even in the loses shed,
Not a drop of tear in pain,
None came to my eyes that remained open,
Every moment of life lived for you,
But with very little care I know,
Waiting for a moment of happiness with you.
The tearless eyes wondered the crazy world,
As happiness is just a bubble washed ashore,
In the sea of sadness in life,
May be sadness is a sea I am used to,
But in happiness may shed a drop or two.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM This Poems was released during the 2000 sydney olympics.
Creative Commons


14 Replies to “”

  1. I long to be a vagabond…with stickers all over an old beat up rucksack..( or just on the inside flap:) the above comment sounded fairly innane after reading your into carefully…Finding the Golden Nugget in the quagmires life tosses us..and making another smile..That’s all that makes life worth living..bon voyage…((Wings))

  2. Ok, after reading the intro before your poem, I’m feeling the stirrings of a poem of my own in formation…..hehe, thanks for the muse! (If I write it and you happen to read a poem of mine referring to “strangers in the night”…then that is the muse I’m speaking of, lol)

    As for your poetry…it leaves me breathless…..it is brilliant, awe-inspiring and I am swept away in the magnitude of the beauty in your words…..WOW!

    Keep ’em coming! I shall do the same.

  3. I knew you could help me Mr. Poet!  You know what?!  You’re right.    I only enjoy change when it’s to my advantage, never when it’s other people around me.  I like to be the one who is in control and knows what’s going down.  Rarely is this ever the case however…  It’s odd.  I get along quite well with those younger than me and older than me, but never my same age.  When you’re sixteen, five years seems like a long time (now six years.)  I move quite a bit.  I’ve never kept a best friend for that long…Anywho,  I deleted that post since that friend frequently checks the site.  Please understand.  Your advice was wonderful.  I knew I could count on you.  Thanks so much for the help.

    Oh, and I’m glad you are getting out more.  Nature brings a lot of new inspiration you know.  Let that imagination spring to life, and perhaps the future will present itself with something interesting…something new.  Your poem is wonderful by the way.  As always.  You seem to be growing sadder though.  Write one of happiness.  I find that the hardest poetry to write.  Anyone can write of their hardships for we all have too many to count.  It takes a real survivor to be able to write of happiness and innocence as well.  Take care Mr. Poet.  And again, thank you.

  4. My “other” site is just this one, but, you know, I’m with you on how you feel. I want to dedicate more of myself to the poetry only site than the average “life” blog.

    I guess I care more about the poems. 🙂


  5. no. he wasn’t sick. the last comment i heard from the coroner was a belief the cause of death was an airborn sickness of a sort of bronchial pnumonia. it has no symptoms such as coughs or sneezes and can cause death in a few short hours. thanks for the prayers.   kat

  6. Sorry I haven’t looked on here recenetly!

    Your poem’s great, if not rather sad…There is so totally someone out there for you.  You just gotta find them, that’s all.  Like you’re doing now…going out into the world and exploring and meeting new people.  Have fun Mr. Poet.  Bye.

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