To Rediscover A Soul.

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When asked about truth this is what I told in a comment in another site.

 “I am the ugliest, most unloved man ever lived, living. Because,
God gave me a deck of cards to play my life, none knows how to play
with those cards. The truth, simple and straight truth.”

I apologized for posting a comment like that in another persons site. But to be honest with you all. That is the truth.

Who want to be around this genetically mutated pineapple

This is what bad love can do for you.

Okay this is the best part. None want to get scared off my big belly. {hellish laughter}
Hate me everyone, for at least I’ll have that.
The third installment of the Tess poem is in first draft. My work kinda
pulled every plug out of me. I am really tired. But I wrote this for
those who were angry at my mile long poems. If you all think what
you’ve read or just browsed by was long then just forget my site for
the next one month. The rest of the 6 poems average 200 lines per poem.

To Rediscover A Soul.

A moment’s wish lingered,
Way past days deep inside,
Tears for the dream trashed,
The soul held unknown to oneself,
And cries away when deep asleep.

Darkness crept away when arrived,
The lazy, gloomy winter sun.
The long held silence, the alarm broke,
Shocking everything around and the weeping soul,
On to the cold dry palm out of the eye spilled a drop,
What remain, the only remains,
Through which to rediscover a soul.

14 Replies to “To Rediscover A Soul.”

  1. Hello, i want to wish you all a merry merry christmas and may all of your christmas dreans come true, and i hoped that you all got a happy thanksgiving.

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  2. “I am the ugliest, most unloved man ever lived”

    Of course you are wrong about this, but your passionate feelings are such a creative force! As Ernest Heminway said,

    “Forget your personal tragedy. We are all bitched from the start and you especially have to be hurt like hell before you can write seriously. But when you get the damned hurt, use it-don’t cheat with it.”

  3. there is something about the holidays that evokes meloncholy isn’t it?  and that’s where friends come in. . .we lend our hope to one another. . .therein lies true beauty. . .i’ve also been thinking about that last line of your poem. . .the way to rediscover a soul. . .profound.  blessings to you. . .

  4. Darlin, beauty is much deeper than the image some camera can capture. Its deep down and you possess more than so many others in this world. Cherish it. Never can we hate what makes you so very special. *hugs*

    Be well,

  5. Thank you for the comment on my xanga.  I guess i didn’t expect anybody to really but much thought into it after they read it.  You’re commment more than exceeds my expectations.  So, thank you.

    Thanks for the happy thanksgiving too.  I did have fun.  Hope yours was well.  And, if you don’t mind telling.  The elephant story sounds like it would be a good one.  lol.

  6. well no matter what you think
    i and it is evident all your other friends here
    FIRMLY BELIVE that you are not ugly. at all.

    so trust us or hurt our feelings by not 🙂 but either way dont deny yourself the truth. from a friend. so i am seeing the pattern: i write pathetic posts i get pathetic comments 😀
    i am only jjoking dear. i spent all nite putting up christmas lights and now my house is a gingerbread cottage. who new adorableness took so much effort?

  7. Again, and I will repeat it so that it sinks in…you are not ugly!  I see a strong face, sweetness in the eyes, and lovely lips.  Now please believe me when I say it, as I only speak the truth!    There is so much more to a person than
    physicality anyway, for me it is what is inside a person that really counts!
    Nice feels sad.

  8. You’re a precious soul with an ability to express beauty in ways that God has given to you. Physical beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and is only skin deep. You’re not a genetically mutated pineapple. You’re a beautiful fruit in the orchard of the world.

  9. First of all don’t apologize about something you perceive as the truth and therefore have stated.Secondly, be prepared for contra arguments which you will find more inviting for you went from the negation of something to something positive.Last but not least, who says or determines how long your poems are to be?Answer: you.Remember that and see yourself as what you were meant to be not what you might be due to temporarily sad circumstances.

  10. well, how dare you? i hope you didn’t just post that to fish for compliments because you are not ugly at all.

    in fact, you remind me of a dear friend of mine, Anwar, whom i’ve somewhat lost touch with (he went away somewhere). i wonder if i can get a hold of him now … hmmm…

    thanks for the reminder.

    and again, for the record, YOU ARE NOT UGLY!

    x (rubs his budda belly as she leaves .. tee-hee)

  11. Ah my friend ,we are so much more than our physical body. If you desire to look at yourself, do not stand in front of a camera, or a glass mirror…… pick up your writings and read……there you will see yourself most clearly. Though we offer the interpretation we see in your words , only you know their true meaning. From the abundance of the heart the lips speak, or in our case the pen.

    We learn self hate from the derision of others. It hurts because we can’t understand why others don’t love us as we are. Then we judge oursleves by their standard. It is a false standard. Realize that you are worthy of love. Care for yourself.

    You are a many faceted jewel. Each line of your writing shows another facet. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. We your readers behold your beauty with each line you write.


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