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I disabled my own poetry rendering… so there should be a goodreason for that. Listen to the song ‘Loved I’ by a band called FM. Theyare from Kazakhstan. This song is in Russian. I fell in love with thissong when Sasha danced along with it. It is a good song. Special thanksto Maria Alexandrova for finding this song for me and sending it to me.

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Friday came and haha…I was gloomed and doomed to gloom more… I don’t know everything feltlike too fast. This poem is written in about two hours during theafternoon of Saturday… Sasha have beauty of her own…. Dark eyes, darkhair, long nose and exceptionally beautiful smile… I love that smile.The day time went by fast… but she filled in all that I missed… TheLight Of My Happiness.




Light through the dark blanket scratched and spread,

And from the bottom of the horizon rise,

The burning sultan by the morning star guarded,

Oh’ nature’s aristocracy unquestionably at its best.


Not a moment of the day waited,

Felt like the blink of my eyes took away,

The brightness of the day, leaving,

Golden light of the dusk upon my forehead, dancing.


Oh’ the demise of the sultan’s glory I have seen,

And the dark blanket stitched itself and covered,

And for light deep into my own mind I searched,

Oh’ the blanket unrolled much more deeper than I thought.


While in the darker parts of the dark searching,

Decided I to go to watch a friendly smile,

And passion filled talk of a beauty called, Sasha,

While watching her talk and makes us all laugh,

Brightened inside and my view back I got,

No lines ever I write can express the feeling I felt,

Still to make Sasha smile, I wrote.


“With my eyes open I searched,

Upon this battlefield of life,

In the mists of illusion of life, nothing I found,

With my eyes closed I stood,

Imaginations took me into a flight,

The mists of illusions of life cleared,

When you walked into my mind with a smile.


Every step you laid the Earth welcomed,

As the little daughter of mother Earth was looked,

With pride by the whole nature around,

The sunlight upon you like a parasite sat,

Glowing your skin in the essence,

Of all the beauty of all dusks.


The season wander into fall,

And the leaves prepared to leave the trees,

A bird sat alone upon the tree,

Without a tune to sing he looked around,

Then a mild wind from east came,

And took him into a flight,

Into his mind the wind whispered,

Songs of love, to all creations unknown,

He flew to all corners and sung,

Songs that sprouted love in depressed hearts,

The bird is the mind of mine,

And the wind is your soul I feel.


In my imaginations I see,

A cooling stream through a rock wall flow,

Rough on top but polished where water touched,

Warm around but cooled inside by the flow,

The rough rock wall is my mind,

The flowing stream, the evergreen beauty of yours I see.


The aurora up north gathered,

The rain in the tropics prepared to lash,

The birds gathered and chanted praises,

Oh’ the aurora shows the beauty of your dance,

The rain spread the blessing of you soul,

The birds, Oh, they are scattered thoughts of mine,

Now united in praise of you.


Even in the daylight the unloved mind blinded,

Haunting dark thoughts depressingly tore mind to pieces,

Tired and fallen, far away a glow seen,

The glow the candle you lit,

The warmth felt, the blessing of your soul.”


With praises and prayers for that beauty, to bed I went,

And long time after my childhood days I slept,

With a bright glow deep inside my mind,

A glow I once called the light of my happiness.




“If you want to comment on my poems please visit and post your comments in LonelyPoet.Com all the poems that are posted in this site will be there in LonelyPoet.Com“.


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