Back From Home

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Back from home, sounds weird isn’t it? Yes, I left Milwaukee once more. But the good days I spent, yeah, truly enjoyed every bit of it.
   Now about poetry, mmm what to say, I write more in my mind and forget than write on paper and later post in here. There are people who don’t write when they are happy and they forget themselves in their happiness, there are people who write when they are sad or depressed. Then there are people who enjoy the happiness and sadness of others as they themselves don’t know how to live life with both of those feelings. As for me, I recently thought… Am I really human? mmmm there is amble reasons for me to think like that. Maybe I will write more about it on paper and see how much of a real human I am.

Nitin, Manish, Me in front, Deepak and Rao… wow…we are group of Indians who come to Milwaukee Summerfest every year. Manish is quite new he is married, Rao too is married, Nitin will be married shortly, Me and Deepak… haha Well at least another couple of years we will be around playing the singles game.
   I am uploading a lot of pictures into Flickr… it is rather slow.. well I took nearly 600 photos. Not all of them came out good as most of it were taken during concerts. Once I finish my selection and upload I will post the link here. Alright… have a good evening everyone.

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