Happy Valentine’s Day.

Spread the love
The Flight, Higher And Higher.

Better and better days should grow,
Where a bird upon a tree sits and sings,
And so comfortable the bird is,
But how long the bird will sing,
How long she will sit without swaying,
The spread out, mighty old tree.
No matter how careful the bird tries,
Into the flight when the bird takes off,
The branch the bird sat will sway.

On this day, those who love and are loved,
And those who care and are cared,
Those who listen and are heard,
May the changes in the days to come be,
The flight of the bird, smooth elegant,
And comfortable for you all that takes,
Everyone higher and higher.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

This video, came from a chat during the Video conference. Everyone said the smile and kiss were funny. Enjoy

5 Replies to “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

  1. I am back and how are you my dear friend. I missed your poetry. Truly, you are one of those poets here in xanga who inspired me in creating some and posting it on here. Way back the first time I joined in here, your poems are the first one that I’ve read and all those are beautiful and amazing. Keep it up buddy.Wow, Happy Valentines and Happy birthday too.

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