Encounters With Internet Porn Artists.

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  I don’t know how many encountered people from adult websites outside of their sites on the web. They are indeed normal people like everyone. Here is my experience with them. Warning: I strongly suggest you not to visit any of the sites I am saying here. Even for an adult of good nature, some of these websites are very inappropriate.

 I know someone on the net from Russia. The old soviet blood still boils in his veins. Nikolai. He visit this site too and read whatever I write here. Unlike many other Russians I met, this guy can speak English very well. Maybe that is because of his experience with old KGB. One night I was sitting and trying to write a poem and Mikah as Nikolai is known was pestering me all the time. He in the end asked me what can he do to get me inspired and I told him, “I need to see eyes, blue or green eyes, beautiful eyes of some girl. It doesn’t matter if she is good looking or not.”

Mikah said. “Yes I can arrange that. I know a lot of bitches here”

I told him, “damn you Mikah, I don’t need no Russian bitches to inspire me.”

He asked me “Will you pay them?”.

I said.. “it depends on what you are going to show, send me a picture first and then I will decide” Mikah gave me a link and said, go there register and look for what you want. LiveJasmin website. One of the most weird places I’ve ever been on the net.

 I said, what the hell, and went there. It asked me to enter a nickname, password then asked me to scan my photo ID, fill and sign a form and scan that too. I thought “wow this looks like a site of high standards and security” gave everything they asked for. When finishing the registration it said ” Welcome to livjasmin, Click here to go online” I was surprised. Then I went to support and asked what does it mean by “go online” the support guys said, “You become a performer here not a registered member here”… Mikah the stupid jackass gave me the link to become a performer there not a registered member. That’s why they were asking for Photo ID and fill in a form and scan them and upload it. By this time it was 7:00AM in the morning. And I went to bed.

  Next day Mikah came on IRC and asked me for the poem I wrote looking at the eyes of some girl. I said what happened and started calling him whatever names that came to my mind. He told me to go there and see what is there. So I went back and this time I registered there, and went in. One won’t believe what happened. I went into the chat-room of a girl and took her for a pvt chat as I saw this girl got the best of the eyes…. before I could say anything she went all naked. I told her,

“Relax dear, I am not here to see nudity, I am here to see your eyes, not your ass, I am a poet not a sex addict” nothing worked she was not paying  attention to the chat. One of my friend Shaun came in to my room and asked..”Riaz what is going on with you man, watching internet soft porn” I told him she is not understanding what I am saying. Shaun told me to go to Google translate to Russian what I am saying and paste it into Jasmin site. I did and she smiled and put all her clothes back and asked this..

“Are you gay? because I see another man with you” that sent Shaun running for cover. She knows English.. but so far no one asked her to put on clothes, most people who come there tell her to take it all off and do things quite unimaginable to a normal person.

I said, “nope I am very straight, but I am not interested in sexual pleasure like this. If I need to have it I know where to get it, how to get it, in real life” That girl later became one of my best friends online. Jalena. She is from Latvia.

I met a lot of others in that site. They respect me for who I am. Most of them from the nude section of that site and there is a non nude part where you can find people just to chat.  Still I believe it is one of the worst places anyone could ever end up.

 I once met a girl there called Mary, she actually added me to her yahoo from this site and most of the time we chatted only on Yahoo. Mary always invite me to her room saying she will show this, that and all. I always say… my dad need to be born again, then make me once more for me to do it…mmmmm nope still I will only see the good side of things as I was guided right by my dad. She laughs but I am an outlet for her. It means she says almost everything she want to tell to me the same on the otherway. She is from Romania.

  She was not seen online for a long time and she came back online last week.

I asked her “Mary, dear girl, where were you all these days?”

She said, “I was around, but good to see you”

She told me ” Riaz, I left LiveJasmin”

I was so glad and told “Thank God, Mary you are doing the right thing, it may be hard for you initially as there is nothing good there in Romania” I was about to give her a preaching about how good things will come to her for the good she did by leaving LiveJasmin. But she shut me out by saying this..

“Yeah, I quit LiveJasmin as people were rough and say nasty things at me, now I work for LivePimpin”.

I shut down my computer and did not go online for two days.

I met some great people who came to my xanga from there. Though I have never met them in real life, I think it was worth to know how hard life is in Russia and many other East European countries. It also shown me what lucky people are we here in the west. How blessed we are. It may not make much sense to many people living in this era, they keep on whining about everything and lose belief in themselves. I was born in India, India I have seen a lot of poverty. But there people have hope a lot of hope but many of the girls I met online from East European countries don’t have hope, they say a lot things about love, they can’t love, because, their hearts are frozen.

  On the otherside, some of the people who visit those sites from America and Western Europe, I don’t know how to describe them. They are not humans and know nothing about humanity. They are in the misery of their own insanity. I have no pity for them, because they are a living curse of humanity. Then I know how good many people are who knows how to smile at someone they are meeting for the firs time, for no reason at all.

You all have a great weekend.

5 Replies to “Encounters With Internet Porn Artists.”

  1. Opps! You had good experience but the best part is that you got a nice friend. I hate people who don’t respect love. Thank God, I was not born in east-world. I love India for this. 🙂 Hope you had also a nice weekend! Keep smiling…..

    ~Namaste~ Nidhi

  2. It is sad when people are forced to resort to sell off the use of their bodies to survive. I was in South America for a while, in the Andes. There I too encountered poverty and it broke my heart.

    But people are more than willing to use those less fortunate. There will always be high demand for poor people selling themselves for a low rate.

    …Though the anecdote about signing up as a performer was funny.

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