Ending The Suspense

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The last two posts suggests that I am going to my roots. Yes I am in India. It was a quick decision in one way and a decision to force a change. Well when I called my mother after getting the tickets ready and asked her what do you want she said, I need one of you two to be here.(my other brother is in USA too). I didn’t told my mom I am coming, in fact only my older brother knew I was coming to India. The flight got delayed from Mumbai to Kochi. So I couldn’t reach during daytime. My mother was in her prayers so along with the so called “Mother Of All Surprises” I also became a distraction of her prayers. So my mother is seen here in the video in the prayer costume. It was a surprise for my nephew Omar too. My brother called him and told him he is bringing a T.V actress to home so Omar and his friend were waiting to see a girl. Here is the video of it, as it was night the light is pretty dim. Me and my brother tried our best to play with this video to fix that, the following video is the best we could do.

So after more than 3 years I saw my mom, surprised my sister over the phone. Tried my best to surprise my niece but she is too intelligent, the moment my sister told her over the phone that someone brought some gifts for her kids from USA she asked… When did Saju uncle came? So far I am fighting my best not to get dehydrated, it is damn hot here, about 115f with humidity reaching 99. The tropical monsoon is on its way and we hope it will start next week. For the time being air conditioners are going on in full swing. I will post more pictures and videos of this fantastic vacation.
  I will be back in USA on 3rd week of June.

9 Replies to “Ending The Suspense”

  1. I love it that you’ve been able to return to India to visit your family!  Can’t wait to see pictures, and hear about your trip.  Hopefully the weather will break for you soon, and you can enjoy your stay without any distress at all.  We’ll be waiting for you!  Be safe!!

  2. let it rain let it rain…..i miss monsoon  seasons… the music of rain on roof tops….the cooling winds…i haven’t been home in 5 years myself….(Malaysia)

    it must be wonderful to be home again…enjoy ourself as much as the heat will allow anyway hehe… much loe and care to you and yours

  3. What a wonderful surprise for your mother.  Have fun.  Even in the heat.  It was nice that I got a comment again from you.  Thanks a lot.  Have a safe trip and hope to hear more from you.  🙂

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